Између реке Каламас, планине Мургана и грчко-албанске границе налази се подручје Филиати, фокусирано на град Филиатес. У граду Филиатес, посетиоци могу видети и дивити се шармантном урбанистичком плану, као и грађевине са посебно архитектонским карактеристикама.
Traditional Guesthouse Lia, is a family business based on traditional hospitality of Epirus. Both the location and the traditional flavors of the local cuisine Epirus is sure to leave the visitor happy. The hostel visitors can stay in a lodging that combines modern and old style mansion Epirus.
The experience of the guest officers in the focus area, will ensure you a pleasant stay and would certainly encourage you to visit the Guesthouse Lia again.
The hostel offers its guests friendly service, information on local attractions, affordable financial services for functions and events.